Explore an exclusive collection of business articles featuring renowned Business Speaker Martin Brown. These articles delve into Martin’s extraordinary journey—not only highlighting his notable business achievements but also chronicling how he overcame significant adversity to rise, like a phoenix, to even greater success. Some pieces are authored by Martin himself, offering unique insights into the strategies and processes that propelled him to where he stands today. Perfect for those seeking inspiration and actionable advice from a true leader in resilience and business excellence.

How we made it in Africa.

How we made it in Africa.

Today Africa, tomorrow the world. We are already exporting but we would love to broaden our footprint. There are some exciting developments with expanding into IT to enhance the life of the disabled by combining technology.

The Legacy Project

The Legacy Project

My Definition Of Success | I have noticed that many people try to measure success by the status of their bank account, yes, I even did that. But the truth is wealth is not a measure of success, and my outlook has changed over the years.

YOU Magazine Article

YOU Magazine Article

It is time for a new era in power wheelchair design, a chair designed around you and not you being made to fit in it. A wheelchair custom built for you! A range of custom products that are being distributed to customers all over.

A Natrual Born Entrepreneur

A Natrual Born Entrepreneur

So with the internet he taught himself how design websites to make some money. Following on from that, he needed expand his skill set and enrolled for an IT degree at UNISA. Meanwhile Brown’s own personal experience began to shape a business idea.

From adversity to Triumph

From adversity to Triumph

I was in a wheelchair myself, so how hard could it be to grasp what other wheelchair users needed? I learned not very much – but making other people understand and see my vision was not easy. It is the art of getting people excited to do what you want them to do.